The unit is #sat .. #bitcoin is the reward ..
Bitcoin became "store of value" instead of "unit of exchange" because we messed up the unit .. 😭
Bitcoin education…»
I hated opening #twitter in the morning ..cuz it gave me headache..really ..
I love to #nostr first thing waking up .. it feels like Moxie..
#onlyNostr #nostr
When does #nostr…»
My #sats travel from #cashApp to #Alby to #Zeus to #Fountain to #Primal .. trying to figure out #cashu #nutsack 😉 ..
There are more wallets than #sats in my wallet 😄
#nostr ..……»
If you believe in one God - that God is obligated to care for you .. because there is no one else ..
If you have many Gods - well - they leave you to…»
Most people can't even decide on one operating system ..!
Most developers can't stick to one editor ..
Do we think humanity would choose one money ? #bitcoin
When you get to 52 Billion in market cap , you can buy 42 Billion dollars worth of #bitcoin .. and take your market cap to 150 billion #mstr
#newRules #bitcoin……»
Only your best work counts ...
All time spend on non-best is not waste though - it is the path you must traverse to reach your best fit ..
#newRules #nostr……»
If your idea is forked ( a fancy word of copy :-) 10 K times - it becomes an ideology .. with you as the cult head 🗣️ :-)
Same applies to code !
#newRules #bitcoin……»
That is the thing .. a believer is more than God himself :-)
when you buy #bitcoin - you invest in #nostr .. #amethyst .. #damus .. #lighning .. #cashu .. #liquid ..and every single developer in this…»
Currencies are pegged to the assets of a sovereign .
Equities are pegged to the expected performance of a listed corporation.
$MSTR is a blend of equity and currency - because it…»
No one in #bitcoin community cares that credit cards charge a fee for the credit .. and 50 % of Americans use credit ..
Credit card is not a plastic sheet - it is…»