The only centralisation in social ( and greater ) media context is the control over feed
what people read tomorrow morning #newsPaper
what people see in nightly news #TV
what people see…»
What is the best reason for a creative mind to set up shop at #nostr ?
#unflitered ( no daily feed)
#permanent ( no one can deplatform you )
#portfolio (…»
.. every single device (phone of desktop) will have a cache of its own . Clients will read from and write to it (offline) and it will sync with rest of the…»
#Bitcoin vs #Gold price parity model - review 2024
The average closing price for Bitcoin ( #BTC ) this year is $65,889. It is up 119.1% for the year.
The average…»
With advent of digital storage, we might want to presume information is stored forever. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Digital information is highly perishable. The average age of…»
I had to dial up a US Robotics modem to get on internet ..
And here we complaint about #nostr clients being a bit quirky in terms of onboarding 😑
Have you…»
#gold stashed in a vault is backed by #gold stashed in that vault !
#bitcoin is backed by #Bitcoin (live) power consumption = World TeraHash x Bitcoin Average J/THash
= 789,507,…»
It is way more profitable to buy and sell commodities than stocks but you couldn't hodl commodities ... most commodities perish and those that are not are stolen #gold…»
#Amethyst gets my mind racing and heart pounding. .. it is probably the best app ever built on #Android .. no ..not #nostr app alone. .. I am saying tell me a better…»
#fountain is the most important technology integration project of 2024 - #rss #lightning #nostr and #podcasting2 into one skin that actually works ..
kudos to team @Oscar Merry……»
Blockchain is NOT a technology ... it is a custom solution specifically designed for #bitcoin. .. all other use cases are like putting a cart in front of the horse .. they will…»
To allow immigration or not is a false choice .. the real question is can someone who makes less than a dollar a day, survive in modern world ? #askNostr
No one…»
is has of text with spaces different from the one without ?
I mean , do hashing functions remove the spaces before running the hashing algo ?
Isn't $MSTR kinda a representation of United States ? US buys commodities it likes - with fiat that it prints - coffee , avocados , wine - you name it. ..
$microstrategy does the same…»
Saylor is always focused on #bitcoin yield per share. .. that is what matters. ..
Now the question is why would you pay a premium over bitcoin price - the answer is 500,…»