Most people think a #Sat will still be just one cent even if #bitcoin reached a million dollars ..
What they fail is a coffee shall be just a #sat per…»
#AI is to improve human comfort to an extent humans render themselves extinct .. and become timeless in near future ..
#bitcoin is to store human's value till they migrated…»
Blockchain was a custom design to make the records immutable..
Only value exchange needs be immutable because rest every thing improves with newer version - even the #bitcoin code ..
Thus #Blockchain…»
Three out of 18 means #bitcoin knowledge has reached around 17 percent of public discourse :-) .. which also means the value would at least increase six fold as it reaches 💯 percent…»
Zapping is circular economy..because it doesn't adversely impact #bitcoin price .. only when you sell for fiat does #btc go down ..
#zap #zap #zap and more #zaps……»
All #currencies are backed by military might .. except for #Euro .. a failed wannabe US #dollar !
All assets are backed by hard work. By definition they become valuable at certain minimum…»
#AI is still in the printing press era .. big bulky models ..
The desktop printing is decades out let alone publishing directly to #internet ..
Don't even talk about #nostr…»
A self sovereign washing machine is one who pays for its electricity , detergent, maintenance, water softeners ..and installation ..
And charges customers per load basis depending on the day of the…»
Tokonomics of Gold ..
Check out first article in this series
In next article , I shall explain how this is linked to #Bitcoin - why did #Satoshi chose 21 Million !……»
#nostr should be a domain name .. like .com or .xyz
All nostr clients may use this domain ..
How many people know how central banks work ? #askNostr
Same number of people should know how #bitcoin works ..
For rest of us it is as simple as a #zap ..
This is no exaggeration .. #nostr + #Amethyst beat any social platform hands down ..
And add to it - #Gossip as a #slack replacement ; #Primal as a one stop starter ; #Habla as #subStack…»