Are there doctors on #nostr who…

Are there doctors on #nostr who consult for #sats ! #askNostr… »

Best way to QE is for…

Best way to QE is for gov to buy #bitcoin .. Why ? #askNostr… »

A #bitcoiner without #nostr is like…

A #bitcoiner without #nostr is like a cursed soul in search of a body :-)… »

#bitcoin price is an indicator of…

#bitcoin price is an indicator of resilience of #Bitcoin network . Dedication of #miners and #hodls How many humans are #zap enabled is measure of #bitcoin 's resilience.. It is »

Most creative apps end up offering…

Most creative apps end up offering cloud services to store the projects .. for example #audacity is offering a cloud service ! Wouldn't it be great if these projects were »

Most software projects figure out their…

Most software projects figure out their earning models when they get popular - that is why they need huge investments and run for free for a long time - case on point »

Man made value exchange system has…

Man made value exchange system has tremendous friction .. and is limited by upper and lower bounds .. #bitcoin solves both the problems !… »

Universe is a value for value…

Universe is a value for value machine - do your #Karma and stay blessed ! Happy new year #nostr शुभेच्छा।… »