#gold stashed in a vault is backed by #gold stashed in that vault !
#bitcoin is backed by #Bitcoin (live) power consumption = World TeraHash x Bitcoin Average J/THash
= 789,507,…»
It is way more profitable to buy and sell commodities than stocks but you couldn't hodl commodities ... most commodities perish and those that are not are stolen #gold…»
#Amethyst gets my mind racing and heart pounding. .. it is probably the best app ever built on #Android .. no ..not #nostr app alone. .. I am saying tell me a better…»
#fountain is the most important technology integration project of 2024 - #rss #lightning #nostr and #podcasting2 into one skin that actually works ..
kudos to team @Oscar Merry……»
Blockchain is NOT a technology ... it is a custom solution specifically designed for #bitcoin. .. all other use cases are like putting a cart in front of the horse .. they will…»
To allow immigration or not is a false choice .. the real question is can someone who makes less than a dollar a day, survive in modern world ? #askNostr
No one…»