any #note longer than 1000 words ( say 4000 characters) should automatically be converted to a long-form (NIP 23) ..
- writer should not decide long or short form - #nostr clients should decide it ...
- all clients must handle both types of notes - long and short forms

what happens when a note is converted to long-form ....

- the reactions are removed .. it is serious business now :-)
- instead there are four option buttons below the note ..
- #Read - the note is reveled to read once - price say 100 #sats (somewhat like nsfw notes)
- #Reference - the note is available to the reader for reference any time in future - price say 1000 sats
- #Own - the note is etched like an #inscription to the reader's #bitcoin id - price say 10,000 sats
- #resell - the note is copied to readers' nostr ID and with all the four options - price say 100,000 sats

The subject is reveled by default along with the description of long-note (max 140 characters) . Writers and resellers should be able to configure the the prices before publish - after publish nothing may be changed.

Why ?

- Because offering #zaps isn't enough - it is just a payments method. Tool must offer a uniform "sell and buy" experience for the "text" . Unless you don't attach a finite value to your work - what would any one pay ?
- Zaps are the most important feature. #nostr needs 10000 zappers - not a million users.