Brmahrishi wanted to expand the durability of information and hence the window of value exchange. With the vocal word, the information was short-lived. With text, it could be stored for longer. Humans could send the information to the future generations. But he appreciated that the idea of text, in itself, was a gift of the deities. It was as if deities from a more intelligent future lent him the tools - to fill up the gaps in their own history.

With advent of digital storage, we might presume information is stored for ever. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Digital information is highly perishable. The average age of a corporate application is three to four years. For those that live longer, the information is purged after someone closes their account. This is particularly true in case of financial and health records where providers are forced to purge after certain max retention period - normally seven years. The reason is simple - storage has a cost, and migration from one system to another is messy. One of the reason #Bitcoin is gaining momentum is it promises eternal immutability to information - Bramhrishi's dream is finally taking shape !