Good morning #nostr

From a Yogi to Karmyogi to Nishkaam KarmYogi ... #Gita

When we are connected with one aspect of knowledge such that we can communicate it—through manifestation—that state is called Yoga. Yoga need not be religious or spiritual. Einstein was focused on one aspect of nature—gravity. He was as much a Yogi as a monk living in the Himalayas—probably more!

Yogies who are focused on "actions" are called Karmyogi. For them, the sole goal is to engage in actions - to enjoy the actions like kids playing a game, and to understand their potency. When participation becomes the only purpose - and hence there is no other desire attached to the actions they indulge in, they are called Nishkaam Karmyogi. Nishkaam means no desire for a specific outcome.

Such actions, invariably, create a community of volunteers around them. It is so because we all have an innate ability to understand the motives. People participate wholeheartedly when they see no underlying motive except the fun of working together. However, when the community grows, the desires of the community gradually seep in. To stay steadfast, a Nishkaam Karmyogi must weed such desires out. That is why Nishkaam Karmyoga is also called Budhiyoga - the Yoga of intelligence. Since a Karmyogi values all outcomes the same - favorable or not - this approach is also called Samatva Budhiyoga where Samatva stands for equanimity.