#nostr notes 👨‍💻

"what should be done ? " - is a bleak chance - it has probability less than one in eight billion .. because every one has a different shade of "should" ..

"What will actually happen ?" - is a better question .. an expert may answer in less time than it actually happens .. rest shall always take more time and eventually thing will happen before they make up their minds - it is still a good lesson ..

In Sanskrit there are three words for the experts and non-experts

- Anagat Vidhata - one who can tell "what will happen" long before it actually does ..
- Pratoytpannmanti - one who predicts right , but just in time ..
- Yad Bhavishya - One who takes more time to predict than actual event .. in other words - who takes future as a flip of coin ..

To become Anagat Vidhata - it takes enormous practice in a specific filed ... Going by 10 K rules - if we practice a skill for an hour everyday (which is very difficult) , we will need 30 years to become an expert -> you can develop expertise only in one field in a life .. most people try out multiple things and thus they end up becoming Yad Bhavishya ...

[Side note] #AI can't really help here - because being an expert is all about asking right questions -> AI can sure help the experts who know what to ask ..

The profound question is - what if I tried but couldn't become an expert - is there hope for me ?

Gita says - if you genuinely wanted to be an expert of a given field and put in Karma , you will carry the knowledge to the next birth .. you will, however, still need to discover it with in you .. the question you must ask is "who am I" ..