#bitcoin network is a mechanism to store information for ever. The current price is around ten #sats for a byte of data.

How much is a #byte ?

In most computers, a byte is used to represent a character, such as a letter, number, or symbol. For example, the letter "A" can be represented by the byte 01000001, since each bit is either a 1 or a 0.

So if you want to say a four lettered word #love .. and have it saved in a global database for ever - you pay only forty-ish sats ..give or take ..

That said - the message that you want to save (forever) , need to carry some more information - where are our #Sats (your public key) , is it you authorizing the storage ( your signature with private key) ? .. and who is the recipient of the message ? So effectively you end up paying lot more than the byte size of the message ..

And many people don't even want to store the message .. all they want to store is the money transaction - what a waste :-)