If you are #vimmer - most likely you have already found a way to publish notes (to #nostr) from #vim - without ever leaving the editor ..in laziest way possible 😮‍💨 ..

If not - read on

- install and configure nostr-commander https://github.com/8go/nostr-commander-rs
- play around a little to understand the command for publishing the notes - it is nostr-commander --publish ""
- from vim you can say :term nostr-commander --publish " " - that is it .. the note will be published to nostr.
- if you want to cut paste a part of file you are writing in vim , then simply yank the line ; and copy the yank register at the .. you can see all your yank history with :registers
- You may use ctrl r + the register number - to paste the yanked content to vim command line ..