AI is still in the early days and we already see calls for regulation not only from nation states but also from large corporations. No wonder open AI turned closed source :-) Such pressures are going to increase many fold as we combine AI with next gen automation. It is not hard to imagine independent AI based attempts (to improve productivity) would eventually be barred from existing value exchange systems -> fiat currencies.
In such a scenario, truly open AIs must have a permission-less, censor resistant and immutable value exchange system. Such a system must be beyond the need of “Trust” in institutions that are anyway trying to establish control. Instead “Trust” must be based in open code.
Bitcoin is such a value exchange protocol. As a direct fallout independent AIs must subscribe to the core philosophy - permission less and censor resistant flow of information. #Nostr is a reference implementation of such a model.
Thus two types of emergent AI systems -> Ones that are controlled - permission-ed and censored. And others that are permission-less and uncensored.
In essence the war of ideology transitions from physical to digital universe.
In Vaidik parlance Permission-less and censor resistant stands for “open to all without any controls” and “for benefit of everyone who wanted to participate” - Vasudhaiv Kutumbkum (entire earth is a family). This ideology was termed Sanatana - means one that has no beginning and no end - ever present. The underlying value exchange model of Sanatana is based on Karma - work for a specific skill. And the measure of Karma is in proof of work - Vikarma. Sanatana believes in immutable divine record of Karma in universal machine - an immutable ledger of one’s actions. The underlying ideology is called Karm Yoga.
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