When corporations offer equities based on future earnings , they issue #securities
When they offer equities based on the assets on balance sheet , they issue #strategies :-)
So you think #microstrategy is…»
It really doesn't matter if you build #centralized or #decentralised ..
#Open or #close
What matters is how good the #build it is ..
Users have an uncanny ability to…»
#Bitcoin is the biggest central bank - with over fifty thousand branches worldwide and possibly in space - and an open invitation to one and all to set up their own - without…»
There are around a million words in English
native English speakers on average know 30 K words
foreigners who have lived in English-speaking areas for a long time know…»
#bitcoin keeps track of a tenth of cent
A- in a single database for entire world
B- replicated across the globe ( and possibly in space ) over fifty thousand times and…»
Hey #nostr experts - does it look like an okay baseline for a dedicated client for #nostr books for offline reading?
Each chapter goes to #nostr as a long-form event…»
The unit is #sat .. #bitcoin is the reward ..
Bitcoin became "store of value" instead of "unit of exchange" because we messed up the unit .. 😭
Bitcoin education…»
I hated opening #twitter in the morning ..cuz it gave me headache..really ..
I love to #nostr first thing waking up .. it feels like Moxie..
#onlyNostr #nostr
When does #nostr…»