#Bluesky is a building .. they provide you a map to rebuild something similar of your own ..
#nostr is a city .. we don't have any blueprint to share .. you…»
Most companies do patents because if they didn't , someone else would do and come back to sue ..
Open creative license kills the the evil right there in the…»
The point is to work together ..
Whenever likeminds get together, outcome is ammmmazing ..
#nostr has devs ..really good devs .. but it is made for creatives .. really good ones ..……»
Say #nostr had a million daily devs and creative users ..
They #zap a 100 times daily ..on an average - to build the most beautiful creative artifacts - of code and content…»
#bitcoin is a public distributed ledger for money ..
#nostr is a public distributed content management system for #creative-economy
"Public distributed" is the key word here - it lends…»
The (biggest) point of #bitcoin is to enable plebs acquire an asset : out of 8 billion people , less than 100 million own assets !
why ?
because there is a minimum threshold…»
#MSTR is taking #bitcoin from to top to the bottom .
#Nostr is pumping #Sats from bottom to the top #Zaps
Which side are you ? #askNostr
Financial leverage ? Or Creative leverage…»
When you take into the realm of God , do you need to delete your Facebook ? Or convert all your money to #Gold ?? #askNostr
You just show up , leave everything as…»
Is there a custodial lightning wallet that supports nostr wallet connect ? Like say #nostr Primal wallet !
I want to connect it with my #alby chrome extension and also with Alby…»
#AI is still in the printing press era .. big bulky models ..
The desktop printing is decades out let alone publishing directly to #internet ..
Don't even talk about #nostr…»
#nostr should be a domain name .. like .com or .xyz
All nostr clients may use this domain ..
This is no exaggeration .. #nostr + #Amethyst beat any social platform hands down ..
And add to it - #Gossip as a #slack replacement ; #Primal as a one stop starter ; #Habla as #subStack…»