#nosrtr is mecca for #creatives !
If you harness a network of 500 people on #nostr today .. it shall become a network of fifty thousand as #nostr expands 100 x ..
Would you want to share your questions ( prompts ) to #Gemini ? To earn #zaps
What do I mean from client specific problem capture - while still enjoying the benefits of #protocol…»
The problems that #nostr solves is
people are sick and tired of having app specific user names and password ..
People want to send value #zaps across apps
But these are…»
More I think about it , it feels #nostr and #google are made for each other ..
#nostr fills in fundamental gap in Google's armour.. #social .. and Google can take…»
Most creatives are on #Tiktok because there is engagement ..
Instead of building Tiktok wannabes ..shouldn't #nostr devs find means to send content to Tiktok and #zaps back to…»
O yes #Amethyst is super slow .. mostly in the morning .. but I still post through Amethyst .. why ? #askNostr
I do have #primal open always ..to count daily #zaps and search…»
Should devs try to convert #nostr into #twitter , #insta or #Tiktok ??
why wouldn't you just use those applications instead ! #nostr must find it's own skin…»