
NostrPublications { Memes ( https://memes.npub.pro/ ) Infrequent Questions ( https://ifaq.npub.pro/ ) News ( https://news.npub.pro/ ) }
 https://lncal.com/satosha 970 posts

Does #bitcoin has food preferences ? #askNostr

Does #bitcoin has food preferences ? #askNostr I think connecting #bitcoin to carnivore diet is same impulse as connecting it to anarchism.. The truth however is #bitcoin is vegetarian :-)… »

Is it okay to replace IKIGAI…

Is it okay to replace IKIGAI with #zaps #nostr .. #askNostr… »

A casual subtle indirect mention of…

A casual subtle indirect mention of #Zap s OR post doctoral pedagogy #bitcoin .. How would you treat your friends or family ? #askNostr… »

What exactly is RSS ? Is it…

What exactly is RSS ? Is it something like http or #nostr protocol ? #askNostr… »

Should new users be made aware…

Should new users be made aware that whatever they note here is DIGITALLY signed by them .. .. there is no deniability .. it is a permanent record .. it will haunt you if »

Encryption in #nostr context is a…

Encryption in #nostr context is a public signature - not a means to hide the message .. Just like #bitcoin .. all transactions are digitally signed and are public .. Am I right ? #askNostr… »

If Satoshi is alive, he is…

If Satoshi is alive, he is sure on #nostr .. makes sense ? #askNostr… »

One buys #bitcoin with money .. and…

One buys #bitcoin with money .. and #nostr with time !… »

#bitcoin is hedge against poverty !…

#bitcoin is hedge against poverty ! #nostr is a hedge against control !… »

#gold vs #bitcoin

#gold vs #bitcoin Last six month months… »

Freedom and price go hand in…

Freedom and price go hand in hand .. Freedom narratives can't exist in vacuum #bitcoin… »

My daily #nostr time is increasing…

My daily #nostr time is increasing - it is following power regression curve :-) What about you ? #askNostr… »

Hey #nostr…

Hey #nostr What is the difference between "quote" and "boost" ? #askNostr… »

Is there a general rule of…

Is there a general rule of follow - followers overlap ? Like if I start anonymous - and say follow 1000 people - how many would follow back ? #askNostr Is it platform specific ? Like »

The only plausible way to enable…

The only plausible way to enable #bitcoin custody for 8 billion people is to build a #nostr smart phone .. It is a hard task but is there an easier one »

Is this real or another #AI…

Is this real or another #AI scam ? #askNostr… »

Why does #bitcoin follow power regression…

Why does #bitcoin follow power regression - not linear, logarithmic or exponential ? #askNostr… »

Would you rather have someone #zap…

Would you rather have someone #zap your #nostr note say 10 sats - then have them spend few seconds to comment on your note ? #askNostr… »

Trying to teach someone #bitcoin is…

Trying to teach someone #bitcoin is like a PhD in Econ a masters in Cryptography and a distinction bachelor in coding distributed systems You can do it in five minutes »

Why does #bitcoin hashrate matter ?…

Why does #bitcoin hashrate matter ? #askNostr… »