
NostrPublications { Memes ( https://memes.npub.pro/ ) Infrequent Questions ( https://ifaq.npub.pro/ ) News ( https://news.npub.pro/ ) }
 https://lncal.com/satosha 970 posts

Ring of power #bitcoin

Ring of power #bitcoin… »

Just #zap em ..…

Just #zap em .. Is there a better way to #bitcoin ? #askNostr… »

Those who qualify - #nostr invites them…

Those who qualify - #nostr invites them .. Outreach is universal !… »

Some you tube vids play right…

Some you tube vids play right in the #nostr client - just watched one in #nostrudel .. Others make me jump to you tube app .. How do I stop the jump ? .. play »

Will #microstrategy make it to Nasdaq…

Will #microstrategy make it to Nasdaq 100 before the year ends ? with 250 K + #bitcoin and 38 Billion (class A) market cap they are sitting right there at 100 ish »

#bitcoin wants to use cheapest form…

#bitcoin wants to use cheapest form of energy in remotest areas ! #AI wants to set up nuclear plants ! Which is better for climate change ? #askNostr… »

Is there anything more fundamental than…

Is there anything more fundamental than converting God given energy to human usable form ? #askNostr Burning wood converted it to heat and light ! - first use Internal combustion converted it to »

Climate crisis ?

Climate crisis ? #Bitcoin is the solution .. This presentation should get a billion views ..… »

Hey #nostr…

Hey #nostr I have a static website gita.shutri.com ..Its a #mdbook published on gh-pages .. want to convert it into a PWA for offline reading .. Wondering if someone »

Is #bitcoin religion ?…

Is #bitcoin religion ? #askNostr… »

#nostr enterprise relay !…

#nostr enterprise relay ! It kinda appears against #nostr spirit but is it possible for a business to have a relay strictly for its employees - for work .. ? No access to any »

Really ? $mstr is a #bitcoin "development"…

Really ? $mstr is a #bitcoin "development" company ! The comparison between #microstrategy and a real estate developer is kinda convoluted ! If that is what is meant from development ! Does »

npub.pro sites ..

npub.pro sites .. Is there a list of #nostr websites published using npub.pro (subdomains or self hosted) - for reference and inspirations ! #askNostr @brugeman… »

Does that mean .00000001 btc in…

Does that mean .00000001 btc in 2036 will be more valuable than current reward .. 200 K give or take ! It has to be .. what then will be price of a »

#nostr 's target network is not…

#nostr 's target network is not X ..it is Linked In .. because most employees find it hard to speak their minds ... #anonymity is a god send for them .. everyone »

Microstrategy buys #bitcoin for those who…

Microstrategy buys #bitcoin for those who can't .. Every time it issues new debt or equity , its #bitcoin per share goes up .. that is the 🗝️..… »

.. at least no one in Italy…

.. at least no one in Italy is selling :-) .. and I am sure theya still buying .. more they try to kill #bitcoin , stronger it gets ..… »

Share with #Amethyst from web ..

Share with #Amethyst from web .. Did you know , you can simply select any text in browser and share on #nostr as a new post .. #askNostr .. Not only does it copy »

#bitcoin Lightning wallets - what is the…

#bitcoin Lightning wallets - what is the fuss about ? As a user I love custodial lightning wallet(s) .. I have no intent to set up my own permanent lightning node .. I »

Algos are here ..

Algos are here .. .. and they are open sourced .. which means genie is out of the bottle .. Would you rather #askNostr who to follow ? Or let a #nostr algorithm do it »