A 85-post collection

RSS feed of posts tagged AI

open AI - though closed source - still…

open AI - though closed source - still has the credit of opening up the #AI race. In prior world #AI was seen as taboo - something #google did without wanting anyone raise »

#AI is energy hog ..…

#AI is energy hog .. just like brain takes most of our energy .. AI shall suck up every last bit of juice .. that is how #matrix was loaded ..… »

These are sobering times - aren't…

These are sobering times - aren't they ? #gold is perfomring at par with #AI and lot better than #bitcoin Last six months 🥇… »

#bitcoin is useful albeit hard to…

#bitcoin is useful albeit hard to understand for some humans ... but for #agentForce it is indispensable .. #AI… »

It is kinda no brainer that…

It is kinda no brainer that human investors should be long #bitcoin and short #AI ..… »

Peter Theil called it a 99…

Peter Theil called it a 99 esq dot com situation - only one company made money with #AI .. rest everyone is losing .. ?… »

There is a ton of inertia…

There is a ton of inertia rolling the big tech but nothing really is growth driver .. exponential ! smartphones - saturated. apps - over crowded legacy web - polluted EVs and #AI - no ROI »

$nvda still grossly over-priced v/…

$nvda still grossly over-priced v/s apex assets - more #AI pain ahead ! #bitcoin is so beautifully tracking to gold - found it's bearing - headed for a rebound to »

Wouldn't you want your #AI…

Wouldn't you want your #AI bots have faith in God ! #askNostr… »

Mayhem continues - #AI hype bust

Mayhem continues - #AI hype bust… »

#AI hype cycle busted - Supermicro wiped…

#AI hype cycle busted - Supermicro wiped of a third of its value in one week… »

#AI shall force #nostr on anyone…

#AI shall force #nostr on anyone who wants to make sure fake content isn't attribted to them - that obvioy includes all the popular leaders like Saylor and Jack »

The hype Machine is long overdue…

The hype Machine is long overdue for a massive correction #AI vs #Bitcoin… »

When machines took them over , men…

When machines took them over , men burnt the place to cover it up with smoke - to cut off the solar power - to turn the datacenters off. The idea was to »

Can #AI understand the difference between…

Can #AI understand the difference between a narrative and reality ? Like the dragons in Game of thrones are not really real - they are just imagination ? #askNostr are they ?… »

#AI vs #bitcoin - last one year…

#AI vs #bitcoin - last one year - hype vs real… »

#AI hype is now being challenged…

#AI hype is now being challenged by traditional IT services .. there is race for the same slice of Pizza :-) .. Soon you will hear same rhetoric from likes if SAP and »

One who has all the answers…

One who has all the answers can't frame a legit question #AI… »

The question “ who am I ? ” and…

The question “ who am I ? ” and the consciousness are closely linked. It was a hard question to answer even a century back. .. but now .. as we are nearing artificial general »

because people are unloading #AI hype…

because people are unloading #AI hype to buy real assets - #bitcoin and #gold (by kilo) might hit 100 k by the end of this election cycle ..… »