A 85-post collection

RSS feed of posts tagged AI

Bias is built into the meaning…

Bias is built into the meaning of words. Since LLMs learn the meaning {of words ( tokens)} from the large repository of words ; they are liberated from the individual narratives .. They »

Adi Parva, the first written book…

Adi Parva, the first written book ever, describes Mahabharata as the history of advancement. Every dynasty, every invention, and every war must find its place in the epic - in a »

If you want #AI to bake…

If you want #AI to bake you a pizza , it will take more #energy than baking ... Case in point .. #tesla #fsd costs more than the cost to drive the car »

#bitcoin stores value for humans - #AI…

#bitcoin stores value for humans - #AI literally destroys humans ..… »

Only #bitcoin can stop rampant mindless…

Only #bitcoin can stop rampant mindless proliferation of #AI - by sucking away the compute !… »

#Progressive #carbonConscious #wokeness should first ban…

#Progressive #carbonConscious #wokeness should first ban artificial intelligence #AI :-) .. It is going to be by far the biggest polluter of all times - by an order of magnitude.… »

#btc - I can guard your life…

#btc - I can guard your life savings ! #AI - I can write you a poem !… »

If you started making movies with…

If you started making movies with #AI .. humans would stop watching movies .. They kinda already have ..… »

How long do you think #Google…

How long do you think #Google and #Meta and #Microsoft provide free #AI assistance? I say this is their graveyard .. soon shylock investors would see it as an unmonetizable cost »

Time has come for #anarchists and…

Time has come for #anarchists and #libertarians to rethink their #bitcoin messaging ...hate vs hope .. Because the down side is #AI hype can get real if #bitcoin failed to capture »

No one seems to be talking…

No one seems to be talking about the greenness of energy #AI is devouring..l… »

You can't blame #AI for…

You can't blame #AI for taking away your mobility #roboTaxis ; or your mind #deepMind .. for that is the very purpose - incarnate digital sentient beings - is it not ? #askNostr »

If you know what is the…

If you know what is the next most appropriate word to say ; you can answer all the questions out there - It doesn't matter if the answers are right »

Investors are voting in single voice…

Investors are voting in single voice to take away jobs of poor #Uber drivers ! Even before they turned legit jobs .. with benefits and all ! #AI #RoboTaxis It's not »

10 µg of #Gold = One #Sat…

10 µg of #Gold = One #Sat = 10 Token for training #AI The value-exchange assumption between the #physical and the #digital worlds. #nostr is the bridge.… »

The great #bitcoin and #AI convergence

The great #bitcoin and #AI convergence $SMCI bundle $NVDA the way $MSTR bundles $BTC… »

With every word we utter we…

With every word we utter we change the meaning of words ever so slowly.. #intent Upuntill now the only use of intent - a blog , an article , a scientific paper or »

It's clear - #AI companies #bigTech…

It's clear - #AI companies #bigTech are going to pay for the revival of nuclear energy.. #AI needs order of magnitude more energy than #Bitcoin .. talk about #ESG :-)… »

The journey from #AI to #AGI…

The journey from #AI to #AGI is discovery of "who we are" !… »

Value seekers get valued #Bitcoin . Stewards…

Value seekers get valued #Bitcoin . Stewards of hype get hyped.. #AI… »