Two Sanskrit words are important ...
Bhoutik - means physical ..outer ..external , study of universe ..
Aadhyatma - means meta-physical , internal , study of self ..
Two dimensional thinking is you got to choose…»
Radio > Cable > Main stream meadia > Social Media > Podcasts ..
That is where we are .. that is why #bitcoin and #Trump are so successful…»
Which means - #bitcoin is a digital form of properties of physical #gold ..
You can never win #bitcoin battle if you tarnish the ideas of #gold ..
It is like saying butter…»
Columbus was set out in quest of India .. he landed in America .. the man was so obsessed that he called American natives - Indians :-)
But it happened once again - in 2008…»
You can not inform people of your goodness ! They never listen ..
You got to be so good that they get curious .. then they will search you they search for…»
Value is immutable knowledge .
Information is the wrapper to exchange value.
Thus value exchnage must follow the mode of information exchange ..
#Barter - Speech
#Gold - Text
#Bitcoin - Bits……»
Global Assets - 1000 Trillion
Currency - 100 Trillion -> 10 %
Most of the cash is held by poor ... most of the assets by the rich.
Super rich live on debt…»
Assets over last five years
#Property - 20%
#Stocks - 88 %
#Gold - 67 %
#Bitcoin - 484 %
If you already have a home where you live .. the safe and simple portofio is
Bitcoin - 30…»
There is a ton of inertia rolling the big tech but nothing really is growth driver .. exponential !
smartphones - saturated.
apps - over crowded
legacy web - polluted
EVs and #AI - no ROI…»
$nvda still grossly over-priced v/s apex assets - more #AI pain ahead !
#bitcoin is so beautifully tracking to gold - found it's bearing - headed for a rebound to…»