A true store of value does only one thing - it stores value - no reduction or increase in purchasing power ..
As of now #bitcoin is NOT a store of value because…»
What exactly is the use case:
Around five thousand years back ; an Angel decended to earth .. along with his fairy they brought 21 million kilos of gold ..the most precious…»
The life inside an egg doesn't fight the shell .. it just grows .. the shell upltimately breaks on its own ..
#nostr doesn't need to fight legacy media…»
The choice between two major party nominees couldnt be more obvious ..
On one side you have proof of work ... one the other "proof of stake" :-)
It is literally…»
"Store of value" always follows properties of "store of information" .. #bitcoin
Here are fundamental key: value pairs // with relevant property as comments
speech : barter //synchronous
This becomes even more interesting when you consider that MSTR has done nothing to monetize its stash of #bitcoin thus far .. ..whereas NVDA is already killed the hype hen ..
When asked " what is #bitcoin" ..if you list all the bad things about Fed , Fiat , Govs , Banks and wars and poverty and ..bla bla bla.......
..... you didn'…»
"Encrypted" doesn' mean impossible - it means exponentially harder to crack .. still doable if you want to burn the universe .. many times over - thus something perfectly hidden ..